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实践xml 缓存技术构建高性能web站点(2)

作者:黑客防线网安XML教程基地 来源:黑客防线网安XML教程基地 浏览次数:0



Rem xml数据缓存类业务逻辑层代码
'网址:手机主题 '版本:ver1.0
Rem 根据classid取列表数据
Function GetListarr(classid,curpage,PageSize,CachePageNum,ByRef RecordCount)
 Dim sql
 sql = "select thmid,thmname,picfileurl,win_theme.adddate from win_theme where  win_theme.ClassID="&classid&" order by thmid desc"
 Dim cache
 Set cache = new XmlCacheCls
 cache.PageSize = PageSize     '每页N条记录
 cache.CachePageNum = CachePageNum    '一个xml文件缓存M页的数据量
 cache.XmlFile = Server.Mappath("xmlcache/classxml/list_"&classid&".xml")
 cache.Sql = sql
 cache.CurPage = curpage
 cache.CacheType = 1
 Set cache.Conn = conn
 Dim SqlArr
 SQLArr = cache.SQLArr
 RecordCount = cache.RecordCount
 Set cache = Nothing
 GetListarr = SqlArr
End Function

Rem 根据classid生成xml缓存
Function CreateListxml(classid,curpage,PageSize,CachePageNum,CacheTime)
 Dim sql
 sql = "select thmid,thmname,picfileurl,win_theme.adddate from win_theme where  win_theme.ClassID="&classid&" order by thmid desc"
 Dim cache
 Set cache = new XmlCacheCls
 cache.CacheTime = CacheTime '缓存时间
 cache.PageSize = PageSize     '每页N条记录
 cache.CachePageNum = CachePageNum    '一个xml文件缓存M页的数据量
 cache.XmlFile = Server.Mappath("xmlcache/classxml/list_"&classid&".xml")
 cache.Sql = sql
 cache.CurPage = curpage
 cache.CacheType = 1
 Set cache.Conn = conn
 Set cache = Nothing
End Function

Rem 根据keyword取列表数据
Function GetSearcharr(keyword,curpage,PageSize,CachePageNum,ByRef RecordCount)
 Dim sql
 Dim sqlkey
 sqlkey = Replace(keyword,"'","")
 sql = "select thmid,thmname,picfileurl,win_theme.adddate from win_theme where  ThmName like '%"&sqlkey&"%' or ThmRange  like '%"&sqlkey&"%' or ThmInstro  like '%"&sqlkey&"%'  order by thmid desc"
 Dim cache
 Set cache = new XmlCacheCls
 cache.PageSize = PageSize     '每页N条记录
 cache.CachePageNum = CachePageNum    '一个xml文件缓存M页的数据量
 cache.XmlFile = Server.Mappath("xmlcache/searchxml/list_"&Server.URlEncode(Replace(keyword,"'",""))&".xml")
 cache.Sql = sql
 cache.CurPage = curpage
 cache.CacheType = 1
 Set cache.Conn = conn
 Dim SqlArr
 SQLArr = cache.SQLArr
 RecordCount = cache.RecordCount
 Set cache = Nothing
 GetSearcharr = SqlArr
End Function
Rem 根据keyword生成xml缓存
Function CreateSearchxml(keyword,curpage,PageSize,CachePageNum,CacheTime)
 Dim sql
 Dim sqlkey
 sqlkey = Replace(keyword,"'","")
 sql = "select thmid,thmname,picfileurl,win_theme.adddate from win_theme where  ThmName like '%"&sqlkey&"%' or ThmRange  like '%"&sqlkey&"%' or ThmInstro  like '%"&sqlkey&"%'  order by thmid desc"
 Dim cache
 Set cache = new XmlCacheCls
 cache.CacheTime = CacheTime '缓存时间
 cache.PageSize = PageSize     '每页N条记录
 cache.CachePageNum = CachePageNum    '一个xml文件缓存M页的数据量
 cache.XmlFile =  Server.Mappath("xmlcache/searchxml/list_"&Server.URlEncode(Replace(keyword,"'",""))&".xml")
 cache.Sql = sql
 cache.CurPage = curpage
 cache.CacheType = 1
 Set cache.Conn = conn
 Set cache = Nothing
End Function
Rem 根据classid取列表数据
Function GetDetailarr(thmid)
 Dim sql
 sql = "select a.thmid,a.thmname,a.classid,b.classname,a.picfileurl,a.thmver,a.thmsize,a.thminstro,a.thmrange,a.thmfileurl,a.adddate from win_theme a,Win_Classify b where a.classid=b.classid and  a.thmid="&thmid&""
 Dim thmidmod
 thmidmod = thmid Mod 100
 Dim cache
 Set cache = new XmlCacheCls
 cache.XmlFile = Server.Mappath("xmlcache/detailxml/"&thmidmod&"/"&thmid&".xml")
 cache.Sql = sql
 cache.CacheType = 2
 Set cache.Conn = conn
 Dim SqlArr
 SQLArr = cache.SQLArr
 Set cache = Nothing
 GetDetailarr = SqlArr
End Function
Rem 根据keyword生成xml缓存
Function CreateDetailxml(thmid,CacheTime)
 Dim sql
 sql = "select a.thmid,a.thmname,a.classid,b.classname,a.picfileurl,a.thmver,a.thmsize,a.thminstro,a.thmrange,a.thmfileurl,a.adddate from win_theme a,Win_Classify b where a.classid=b.classid and  a.thmid="&thmid&""
 Dim thmidmod
 thmidmod = thmid Mod 100
 Dim cache
 Set cache = new XmlCacheCls
 cache.CacheTime = CacheTime '缓存时间
 cache.XmlFile =  Server.Mappath("xmlcache/detailxml/"&thmidmod&"/"&thmid&".xml")
 cache.Sql = sql
 cache.CacheType = 2
 Set cache.Conn = conn
 Set cache = Nothing
End Function

Rem 检测动态数组是否已分配
Function   ismalloc(a)
 On   Error Resume Next
 Dim   i  
 i   =   UBound(a)
 If Err Then
 ismalloc = False
 ismalloc   =   True  
 End If 
End   Function 
Function showData(SQLArr)
 If Not  ismalloc(SQLArr) Then Exit Function
 Dim i,k
 Dim num
 num = 0
 i = UBound(SQLArr,1)
 k = UBound(SQLArr,2)
 Dim m,n
 For m = 0 To k
  num = num+1
 <ul class="listbox" onMouseOver="overtb(this)" onMouseOut="outtb(this)">
<a title="<%=SQLArr(1,m)%>" href="detail.asp?id=<%=SQLArr(0,m)%>" target="_blank">
  <img height="140" alt="<%=SQLArr(1,m)%>" src="http://www.shouji138.com<%=SQLArr(2,m)%>" width="107" border="0"></a>
<li class="green bold">
<a title="<%=SQLArr(1,m)%>" href="detail.asp?id=<%=SQLArr(0,m)%>" target="_blank">
End Function


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