@echo off
echo "虚拟主机C盘权限设定"
echo "Author:an85.com"
echo "删除C盘的everyone的权限"
cacls "%SystemDrive%" /r "everyone" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%" /r "everyone" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/Registration" /r "everyone" /e
cacls "%SystemDrive%/Documents and Settings" /r "everyone" /e
echo "删除C盘的所有的users的访问权限"
cacls "%SystemDrive%" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemDrive%/Program Files" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemDrive%/Documents and Settings" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/addins" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/AppPatch" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/Connection Wizard" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/Debug" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/Driver Cache" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/Help" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/IIS Temporary Compressed Files" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/java" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/msagent" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/mui" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/repair" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/Resources" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/security" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/system" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/TAPI" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/Temp" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/twain_32" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/Web" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/WinSxS" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/system32/3com_dmi" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/system32/administration" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/system32/Cache" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/system32/CatRoot2" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/system32/Com" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/system32/config" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/system32/dhcp" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/system32/drivers" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/system32/export" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/system32/icsxml" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/system32/lls" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/system32/LogFiles" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/system32/MicrosoftPassport" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/system32/mui" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/system32/oobe" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/system32/ShellExt" /r "users" /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/system32/wbem" /r "users" /e
echo "添加vhost组的访问权限"
cacls "%SystemRoot%" /g vhost:r /e
cacls "%SystemDrive%/Program Files/Common Files" /g vhost:r /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/Downloaded Program Files" /g vhost:c /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/Help" /g vhost:c /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/IIS Temporary Compressed Files" /g vhost:c /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/Offline Web Pages" /g vhost:c /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/System32" /g vhost:c /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/Tasks" /g vhost:c /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/Temp" /g vhost:c /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/Web" /g vhost:c /e
echo "添加vhost组的访问权限[.net专用]"
cacls "%SystemRoot%/Assembly" /g vhost:c /e
cacls "%SystemRoot%/Microsoft.NET" /g vhost:c /e
echo "添加vhost组的访问权限[装了MACFEE的软件专用]"
echo "cacls \"%SystemDrive%/Program Files/Network Associates\" /g vhost:r /e"
echo "添加users的访问权限"
cacls "%SystemRoot%/temp" /g users:c /e