_SQL SERVERÊý¾Ý¿â_ºÚ¿Í·ÀÏßÍø°²·þÎñÆ÷ά»¤»ùµØ--Powered by WWW.RONGSEN.COM.CN


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Àý£ºÍ¨¹ýSybase mobilinkʵÏÖÁ½¸öÊý¾Ý¿âÖ®¼äÊý¾Ýͬ²½£¨¿Í»§¶ËÓë·þÎñÆ÷£©£¬ÆäÖÐÇ£Éæµ½Êý¾ÝµÄÏÂÔØ£¬ÔÚ½øÐÐÊý¾ÝÏÂÔØʱ£¬Èç¹ûͨ¹ýµ÷Óô洢¹ý³ÌʵÏÖµÄÏÂÔØÁ÷»ñÈ¡£¬ÄÇôʵ¼Ê²Ù×÷ÖÐͬ²½ÀÏÊDZ¨´í£¬Ô­ÒòÈçÏ£º »·¾³ÃèÊöÈçÏ£º ÖÐÐÄÊý¾Ý¿â£¨·þÎñÆ÷¶Ë£©£ºÊý¾Ý¿âΪOracle£¬mobilink·þÎñÆ÷ͨ¹ýODBCÓëÊý¾Ý¿â½¨Á¢Á¬½ÓÔ¶³ÌÊý¾Ý¿â£¨¿Í»§¶Ë£©£ºsybase ASA ¿Í»§¶ËÐèÒª´Ó·þÎñ¶ËÏÂÔرíAÖÐÖ¸¶¨ÌõÊýµÄ¼Ç¼£¬ÓÉÓÚÒµÎñÐèÒª£¬ÔÚÏÂÔعý³ÌÖл¹ÐèÒª¶ÔÏà¹Ø±í¸ñ½øÐнÏΪ¸´ÔÓÉèÖã¬ÀýÈçÏÂÔغóÐèÒª½«¸Ã¼Ç¼µÄijÁÐÖÃΪ¡®ÒÑÏÂÔØ¡¯£¬´Ó¶ø±ÜÃâÆäËû¿Í»§¶Ë½øÐÐÖظ´ÏÂÔØ£¬Òò´ËÔÚ·þÎñ¶ËʹÓô洢¹ý³Ì½øÐÐÏÂÔØÁ÷¿ØÖÆ£¬´ÓsybaseÎĵµÖеÃÖª£º Oracle requires that a package be defined.
This package must contain a record type
for the result set, and a cursor type
that retur the record type.
Create or replace package Info asType
Rec is record ( pk integer,
col1 varchar(100), col2 varchar(20));
Type Cursor is ref cursor return Rec;
End Info;
Next, Oracle requires a stored procedure
with the cursor type as the first parameter.
Note that the download_cursor script only
paes in two parameters, not three. For
stored procedures returning result sets
in Oracle, cursor types declared as parameters
in the stored procedure definition define
the structure of the result set, but do not
define a true parameter as such. In this
example, the stored procedure also adds
the script to the MobiLink system table.
Create or replace procedure
DownloadMyTable( v_cursor IN
OUT Info.Cursor,v_last_dl_ts IN
DATE,v_user_name IN VARCHAR ) Aegin
Open v_cursor For select pk, col1,
col2 from MyTable where last_modified >
= v_last_dl_ts and employee = v_user_name;
End;CALL ml_add_table_script
( 'v1', 'MyTable', 'download_cursor',
'{CALL DownloadMyTable({ml s.last_table_download},
{ml s.username} )}'); °´ÕÕÎĵµÃèÊö£¬½øÐÐÏà¹ØÉèÖú󣬽øÐÐͬ²½£¬µ«ÊÇÔÚͬ²½½øÐÐÖÐmobilink·þÎñÆ÷±¨´í£¬ÐÅÏ¢ÈçÏ£¨'EA_BARCODE_DOWNLOAD' Ϊ´æ´¢¹ý³ÌÃû×Ö£©£º ´íÎó: ODBC: [MERANT][ODBC Oracle driver]
[Oracle]ORA-06550: line 1, column 8:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types
of arguments in call to 'EA_BARCODE_DOWNLOAD'
ORA-06550: line 1, column 8:PL/SQL: Statement
ignored £¨ODBC ״̬ = HY000£¬±¾µØ´íÎó´úÂë = 6550£©
I. 05/17 20:05:20 <1.9> [1100139459]:
´íÎó»·¾³: Óû§Ãû: 1100139459 Ð޸ĵÄÓû§Ãû: 1100139459
ÊÂÎñ: ÏÂÔØ ±íÃû: ES_A_BARCODEI. 05/17 20:05:20 <1.9>
[1100139459]: ½Å±¾°æ±¾: BCGET ½Å±¾: {call
EA_BARCODE_DOWNLOAD(?,?)} ´íÎó»·¾³½áÊø
I. 05/17 20:05:20 <1.9> [1100139459]:
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ȱʡµÄ¶¯×÷´úÂë (3000) ½«¾ö¶¨´íÎóÐÐΪ¡£
I. 05/17 20:05:20 <1.9> [1100139459]:
download_cursor ES_A_BARCODE£¨¹Ø±Õ£© ´Ó´íÎóÐÅÏ¢¿´À´£¬ÊÇÓÉÓÚµ÷Óô洢¹ý³ÌʱËùʹÓòÎÊý¸öÊý´íÎóµ¼Ö£¬ºóÀ´¾­¹ý²éÕÒ·¢ÏÖ£º¿ÉÄܳöÏÖ¸ÃÔ­ÒòÊÇÔÚODBCÉèÖÃÖÐδ¹´Ñ¡¡°Procedure Retur Results¡±ËùÖ£¬½øÈëODBCÉèÖÃÃæ°å£¬ÐÞ¸ÄÏà¹Ø²ÎÊý£¬ÔÙÔËÐУ¬Ò»ÇÐÕý³£¡£
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